So since the last post my project has changed considerably. I have dropped the phsycial objects from last semester but kept the concept that I got from them. The concept that I started to develop had to do with a few things, specifically that we are/I am a total product of chance and randomness. The idea that thefinal project would have been the result of a thousand unrelated coincedences and products of chance. for example that little gold ear-ring type thing was something my friend Emma grandma's had sent her, emma didnt know why, she did sent it to her and emma was going to throw it out because she had nothing to do with it- and I happened to have walked in to her room when it was sitting there. Now if it were possible, I liked the idea of trying to see if could trace it back- maybe it had significance or maybe her grandma found it on the floor. It brings to my mind something like a movie- where a random object is followed through a set of total coincedences to end up (think that movie about the graduation party after high school... Can't Hardly Wait- with that letter that the kid writes for the girl- he gives up, throws it out, it goes through a bunch of random things and it gets tot he girl).
Following that idea, I want to show how things are connected that way. I have a lot of different ideas for the specifical application of this concept in the final project.
1. Interconnectedness just in my life (i dont like this one as much, i dont like making projects too personal.
2. I was at a party on friday night and I had my camera, it was really crowded with alot of really interested people- and i thought aout the idea of taking pictures of ALOT of people ehre and then tracking them down and getting their stories and finding out how they found out- im sure it would be interesting to find how all these random things ended in a party where people all ended up together.
3. General connectedness- using the types of objects i had in the first post- and just branching out from there.
4. I have a current side obsession with Galileo and it would be cool to start with his life and the random coincedences that led him to make all of his amazing discoveries (he wanted to join the monestary when he was younger, his dad wouldn't let hiim- forced him to go to medical school, but he disobeyed his dad and studied math instead and through meeting people, etc, etc, he got a big job in a certain university and eventually made these discoveries- but imagine if his dad had let him become religious clergy instead- we could be 100 years behind where we are now. its interesting stuff- so i could should one leven of connectedness in his life to what lead to him making his discoveries and all the things they had lead to today.
The physical organization of the project is going to have to do with electricity. This came from Christmas lights that I’ve been playing with (that Susan threw out last time- if she hadn’t found broken lights and thrown them out, then I wouldn’t have found them, started playing with them, and my project would be totally different.. see?). So the connection between the objects will be wires, with electric currents running through them.
At one point I had the idea of the project being all on one common surface (not literally, but picture one box- the objects on top)- the objects seemingly random but each having a light involved in it- and one plug coming out of the box, plugging into the wall. The idea being that these objects MUST be connected because there is one current going in and out of the box, so there is a connection between them all, even if we don’t see it.
That’s all for now. More words and pictures later.
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