Monday, February 06, 2006

third "maze" post-

So the project has changed a bunch since the last post. physically its the same- the walls and ceiling are complete (i dont have pictures yet) but i finally have a concept and its different from the idea of a maze. it came about when looking for quotes, i found a bunch of good ones about searching for yourself (i really like quotes). It also changed based on the fact that my project is not a maze anymore- its more of a long winding path toward something inside. the something inside isn't totally figured out yet but i have more of an idea now.
i got alot more quotes and they are on the subject of forming a self or creating who you are, and as of now i think i will be printing them out in big (white letters on black) and posting them along the walls of the maze to read as you walk. there willbe a mixture of quotes of famous people on that subject and a bunch of questions that you ask yourself when forming a self.
the center will be the self i think. it is a dark small area, you can't even tell its there from outside. the inside will have, i think, blue lights and one good quote. i think it will be "Know Thyself" -socrates.

I'm also pretty sure there will be music playing as part of the experience. i have old computer speakers that i can hook up to a CD player, which i play a burned CD on. im still choosing music but thinking alot about the blue man group, the album being 'audio'. it you havent heard it, you should- its great. hopefully the speakers will be loud enough. im nervous about leaving the speakers and CD player there. iguess i can take the CD player with me and leave the speakers there... i dont know. i dont want them stolen. whatever.

also i was posed with the option that i could put this installation in the dorm's art show, my dorm is demarest and they have a show in the basement in two weeks. but i can't nail in to the walls so i have to figure out still. alright thats enough for now- no inspirational pictures, sorry. i have been keeping an eye out but havent seen anything.

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