Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Second TV project post

The project with marie is really cool- the idea seems to be coming together. i have started collecting random electronic devices to take apart and yesterday i went around my dorm asking people if they had broken electronic devices. I got a broken plasma lamp (which i tried to make it work, but did some research and discovered that plasma lamps are vacuum sealed in glass and filled with argon or some other stable gas (like a light bulb!) ). that stuff doesn't matter but goes to show my obsession with understanding how things work (.com). I ended up taking out two switches from the plasma lamp to use in the TV project.
We have decided to use the switches from the TV itself and hook all these up together. we discussed using one battery source and having one on/off power switch but we are most likely not doing that now just because we need too many batteries and it would be alot more confusing wiring, so we wired them all separately- though we may still have one on/off switch for everything. it just might be only for show, but thats okay.
pictures will come soon- its not that i'm not taking them- its just that i hold them out until i can put them all in one kodak album and link it all together, otherwise i have to put them in their own albums.
I did some research on the Rutgers site and found out that the physics and chemistry dept have their own electronics shop. I emailed the head engineer and he said he would be cool with me coming and picking up a toggle switch for free. Marie and I went there twice today and the door was locked, but I am working on it still- I emailed both the man i was in contact with and the man who works in the office usually, hoping to find a time when I can get over there.
I am going to post this and work on an album and post the link in a separate post.

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