Saturday, April 29, 2006

I realized the other day along that I didnt know what I would do with this generator and I couldnt think of any projects that really really caught my attention or got my excited.
Finally I got a great idea that I really liked but realized it had no electricity involved in it. So eventually I gave up on the generator, which I still have at the LAB and will use, just for another project.
The idea that I will be using now is a Stomp Jam Drum Set! A stomp jam is like a drum circle but instead of drums, there are random objects to bang out that make cool sounds. I really like drum circles and stomp jams are equally awesome- so this project just seemed to speak to me. A drum circle is like no other experience and you can’t explain unless you have been in one and really enjoyed it. The music is so loud and every person, no matter how loud or quiet their instrument or how complicated their rhythm, matters a lot because the beat- while it could exist without them- would not be the same beat, it would be different in some essential way.
The synthesis of all the different people and objects is a synergistic effect (good word)- the sum of the parts is greater than any of the part individually (that was poorly explained- but I think you get it).

The idea is either to play while riding (maybe, but not sure if that will work) or just to ride to someplace and play there. It think the idea is awesome- because stomp jams are usually so situation-based and dependent on whether there are things for it- but I envision (though this is not part of the project) a bunch of these stompjamdrumset bikes and all biking to some place and meeting there. It would be awesome.

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