Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Where ideas go to die...

Did you ever have a sculpture or art project that failed miserably? Or perhaps you were distracted or annoyed at it and you could not finish it? Or maybe even it never made it past a drawing or sketch but it had the potential to be great but you know that it could not be met?
We all need closure, and this is where ideas, hopes, and dreams go to be put to rest.

The idea is an installation/sculpture peice- take over a plot of land- demarcate the land with a fence (chicken wire painted black? green fence from my house painted black?)- (idea- make cool entrance like gateway for it)
-vaguely mark out grave plots for sculptures- start out with one of mine- put it there, make a gravestone-
gravemarker/stone- either styrafoam or cardboard or something
------reids idea- make it very small to play on the idea of an idea being small..?
------have person make their gravestone- that is only rule to having your stuff in graveyard
-graveyard is like a gallery but of broken ideas, dead dreams, failed projects
-but gallery is like one last attempt at their success before they are done for
-viewing of body.... before burial :: gallery opening ::graveyard

-advertise- maybe make a website- make facebook/myspace info on it
-photograph its creation- document carefully

maybe when its done have a gallery closing- or viewing- or burial- etc...

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