Tuesday, November 21, 2006

warped LPs

I had heard about this idea a while ago and did some research and decided to try it. Its really easy-
>Vinyl in Oven, make it hot and it wont take long
>It will get very pliable (and not that hot- you can touch it with your hands!)
>press it into a bowl

-My above trial was into a weird pot that we had in the kitchen in the dorm, so it looks weird.
>sorta obvious, press more centered into bigger bowl
>Try cutting into small circles and press into smaller cups to make vinyl shot glasses.
--------used middle of CD as coster set- laminate?
>try pressing into full glass or vase
>try cutting when its pliable, it will make a smooth bowl with overlapping parts
------maybe melt flaps together with fire or soldering iron?
>try poking legs into it- like in picture (not my picture)

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