(The top three might be the best - they were shows done with This American Life, another great NPR show, so they might be a little more people-focused but they will also be more explanatory).
About the housing crisis
How Money Got Weird
Das got the airline to start making speculative bets on the price of oil. That decision was good for the bottom line: One year, the company made more money from trading than it did from selling tickets on its planes.
Why The World Stills Need The Dollar
The role of the dollar in international commerce, trade, etc.
Fed Behaving Dangerously, Fed President Say
About the Federal Reserve and the one guy who doesn't like how its being run.
Do We Need the IMF?
A look into the IMF, the role it was created the play and the role is plays today
Do The Rich Flee High-Tax States?
A quantitative look into this frequently used argument against taxing the rich
The Island That Ran Out Of Money
Using Iceland as a real-life case study, I think this explains a lot about a national banking system and how it interacts with the international economy.
Fannie and Freddie's Rise and Fall
A look into the two quasi-private institutions that were a large part of the 2008 financial crisis.
What Comes After Fannie And Freddie?
A look at the different proposals
About the moment the US went off the gold standard - it might not sound important but it changed our concept of 'money' forever
Talking to the people in charge of writing the banking regulations
The findings of the bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry committee - interesting, not satisfying.
A look at the 30-year mortgage at the cornerstone of US home ownership
A look into the strange concept of money, with a fascinating case study
A chemist explores the question of the gold standard
A look into social security
A look into national economy with a fascinating case study. A crazy plan to stop inflation that worked
Pet Toxie, a Toxic Asset - like the one that brought down our financial system
Planet Money bought a toxic asset (named it Toxie) in order to learn about what it is, how it works, etc. This turned into a series of podcasts:
The Fed bought this much money worth of mortgage bonds to prop up the housing market. How does this even work?
A little about subprime mortgages
About the stimulus and a bit of economics theory
I might add to this later. This list took a long time to make.
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