Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Museum of Natural Art

Museum of Natural Art
An exhibit made of up art that focuses the viewer on the art that is present all around us in nature.
(1)Jess Rees's peice with magentism (Jess is a student at Rutgers who created an incredible peice of art that had a string tied to a needle that was being suspended horizontally by magnetism. there is more to it than that- but it was really impressive), I'll try to find pictures.

(2)Video art by David Bolinsky, a medical animator, creates incredible works of video art depicting scientifically-factual scenes of biology and physiology in action.
(3)A simple mixed-media presenting the impressive array of beautiful colors present in nature
---Steps to a platform (with a glass display case on three sides?) and a spot for someone to stand on it (in the glass). Then a plaque that labels that person as part of a performance installation piece entitled "Behold the Power of Gravity".
---Variation: Above the person (WAY above) hangs something that would hurt the person- such as knives or something. Then the title is "Thank God for Gravity" or "... something else that has to do with thanks- just without God.
>What else:
--cycles of water
--life cycles
--evolution, as a design process (see other post)
--straightforward photography of beautiful places

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